This space is to share fun preschool ideas and activities. I am also passionate about children exploring their outdoor surroundings. Thanks for stopping by to see the latest Adventure with the Kerr's!

Thursday, July 1

Pledge of Allegiance song

Since this week we were talking about A for America, celebrating our nations birthday, I thought it would be appropriate to teach the Pledge of Allegiance.  As I began searching for a catchy tune to help preschoolers learn the words I found really slim pickings. So I began to think of all the songs that usually get stuck in my head...well EVERY Sunday when I hear the children at church sing, "Scripture Power" I come home singing it for the rest of the day. As I began to sing good 'ol scripture power I was quite pleased that the tune and rhythm worked really well with the words of the pledge. I then went on-line to print out pictures that corresponded with the words, laminated them, and glued some felt on the back.

(If anyone would like me to send the file with the pics I would be happy to do so!)

 I pledge Allegiance, to the Flag, of the United States of America 

And to the Republic for which it stands, One nation under God

Indivisible, with Liberty, and Justice for all. 
(I thought teaching the children about justice threw shaking hands and making things fair 
seemed a little easier than explaining the pic of Lady Justice.)

Here is our Pledge of Alligiance song with River putting the pictures up on the felt board. I have never uploaded a youtube video before, but I thought it might be easier to hear how I was singing our "Pledge of Allegiance song" while River put up the pics.


Deborah Stewart said...

This is adorable - well done River!!

Haley Smith said...

I literally can't stand how cute he is. Best smile on the planet. Also, you don't get much cooler than a felt board. As always, good work.

Ruthie said...

I would like a copy of your picture file for this song. Great Job! Please send to

Sue Hills said...

I would love a copy of the picture file. What a great way to help teach the pledge. I teach pre-K in a Christian school

Sue Hills

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